Spirit intervention at the locker

The forces behind the veil can use many different means to guide us. This is a story about how they meddled with the electronics to influence events.

I work part time in the corporate world. And in spring of 2023, the Corona pandemic situation became better and our department at work was told to go back to the office for the very moderate amount of one day every other week.

Our department is located in a new building now where there are not enough places for everyone anymore and therefore the sub-teams have to come in in shifts. One group only on Tuesdays, another one on Wednesdays and so on.

That also means we cannot store our personal stuff at our desk anymore but instead we have to put it into a locker when we are not in the office.

In March 2023, I packed my stuff which I needed for the office. It felt like packing for a vacation trip. Not only did I have to take care of having the technical stuff at the office like keyboard, mouse, headset etc, but I also needed clothes for changing since I planned to bike there again. So, I ended up with three large bags of stuff and hoped they would fit into a locker.

My husband was so kind to drive me to the office by car with all the stuff before the first day so that I could find a free locker and have everything already available when I would come into the office the first day by bike.

Before we were going into the office, I asked spirit to please make sure that there would be still a free locker available for me and also that it would be the best locker in the sense that it was large enough and located somewhere where I wouldn’t have a long way to walk to get my stuff (because my feet hurt from the rheumatoid arthritis).

There were white lockers right at the entrance in the lobby and black lockers with a longer way to walk to them.
I had been told to use a black locker and had also been informed about the procedure to operate them.
It was not as easy as at the swimming pool where one had to just insert a coin and then turn the key. Here, it was much more technically complicated or sophisticated.

I asked my husband to help me with operating the locker so that I didn’t mess up anything with this procedure.

I put my badge to the central cockpit screen of the black lockers and chose “open new locker” on the display.
And then the screen said “open your locker with number <blank>” .

But where was the number of the locker I was supposed to open?

My husband and I were staring at the screen. We both could not see a number in the large blue dot on the screen.
I tried for about five times. Always the same result. No number was displayed.

I was steaming with frustration and anger. Here I was with all my stuff. Three bags. I would not be able to transport them on my bike from home to the office. And my husband had taken time off work to drive me there by car. And now the lockers did not work. But I desperately needed to store my stuff at the office – RIGHT NOW.
WTF was going on?!

After we had given up, we went outside to the white lockers right in the lobby of the building. Maybe they would work.

Just then, a colleague walked by and I asked him to help me with how to open one of the white lockers (who worked in a different way). He stayed patiently and helped me find a white locker which was still free (not easy at all) and also showed me how to open and close it (also quite tricky).

All my stuff fit into the white locker. What a relief!

About a week later, when I had my first day at the new office, I tried to open one of the black lockers again because I wanted to find out whether I needed to report the malfunction. And this time, there was a number displayed. No error anymore. How come it didn’t show me a number the first time when I tried it?

Here is how I made sense of this afterwards:
Even though I was originally told to use a black locker, the white ones have several advantages. They are close to the entrance and closer to our office. In addition, they have a hole in the door which enables a bit of air circulation. The black lockers are completely closed and I figured I might have ended up with mold when I would leave something a bit damp or wet in there for two weeks (like my teapot or so).

So, I believe the fact that mysteriously no number was displayed when my husband and I tried to operate the black lockers and the subsequent chance encounter with my colleague was an intervention by spirit in order to get me to use a white locker. After all, I had prayed to get support in finding a good locker and that prayer was answered.

A sign from our deceased pet

Sometimes deceased loved ones can send us signs of connection as a message that all is well. This is a story about a sign from a deceased pet.

During the time period from 2011 to 2023, we had three male budgies. We bought them because our older son wished for a pet so badly. A dog would have been too much work for me. But I could settle for budgies because I had had several ones myself when I was a kid.

We enjoyed them a lot. At first, they were quite shy. But with much patience, we managed to tame them so that it was a joy to play with them.

They loved to take a bath and were absolutely crazy about fresh basil in the water. When I put basil leaves into their drinking water, they would try to squeeze themselves into their small water cups in order to bathe in the basil. I wondered whether fresh basil is to budgies what catnip is to cats.

There also was a period of time when they started trying to mate with our hands (very cute) and then giving us fervent love bites (also cute, but ouch!).

We loved learning budgie language. Even though they never learned to speak human language, it was amazing to see how many different meanings can be conveyed by different sounds. There was the loud morning ‘competition singing’. There was a different sort of ecstatic, enchanted budgie song for conveying how much they love life. There was a short call for ‘hello’ and another one for ‘Come here!’. Then there was tired mumbling. And there were at least three different sounds for angry complaints (like ‘Where is our dinner?’ or ‘Take your claw off my wing!’).

We enjoyed seeing their different personalities. There was Quatschi (meaning ‘Chatty’) who was the calm and polite one. And there was Schlumpfi (which means ‘Little Smurf’ or ‘Smurfy’), the overly joyous and smart one who was super agile, somewhat intrusive, and restless which made me think he had hyperthyroid function or so. Both of them died already before 2023. And then there was Knöpfchen (meaning ‘Little Button’), the fearful, defensive, more introverted one who was rather not so polite when he wanted to defend his boundaries. But we eventually managed to tame him, too, so that he even enjoyed head scratches.

Budgie Knöpfchen died on April 25, 2023 after a short illness and we miss him. No more pets to love and cuddle after almost 12 years.

I wondered whether I would get a good bye sign from him. The previous one who had died (Schlumpfi, the smart and joyous one) had appeared to me in a dream on the day after his death. What would Knöpfchen come up with?

On the day after Knöpfchen’s transition, I let fresh air into the all the rooms of the first floor of our house as I usually do each day. When I came back to close the door to the balcony of my older son (who was the ‘daddy’ to our budgies) there was a white pigeon on the balustrade of the balcony, just looking at me curiously. It didn’t fly away. I stopped in my tracks and started talking to it in a soft voice acknowledging that it was a sign from our deceased budgie. As long as I talked, it sat still and just looked at me. But when I moved, it flew away.

I thought, too bad that I wasn’t able to take a picture of it. But then an hour later, I saw it again, this time all by itself again in front of my kitchen window. I went outside and was able to get quite close and take a picture without scaring it away.

You might wonder why this white pigeon is so special. There is a large flock of maybe 100-200 pigeons around here at the field where I take my walks, which is close to our house. And there is only a single white one among them. That single white pigeon had already visited me once at another time (back around 2022) in an unusual manner. And here it was again, on the day after the death of our last budgie. (I have no proof that both pigeons are one and the same, of course, and that this one is the single one from the flock at the field. I just guess that they are the same because usually there is no white pigeon here where the houses are. All the other pigeons here are usually grey.) This white one seemed synchronistic and more than a mere coincidence and I interpreted it as Knöpfchen’s way of saying, ‘All is well.’